Sunday, January 24, 2010

Indonesia Tourism Sector Still Able to Compete

Indonesian tourism sector up to now believed to be still competitive compared with some competitor countries.

"World tourism sector in general is declining, but positive growth of tourism in Indonesia 2009," said Director General of Marketing The Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar), Sapta Nirwandar, in Jakarta, Saturday.

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Sapta Nirwandar said, until now the competitiveness of Indonesian tourism despite fairly decent growth in the number of tourists who entered Indonesia A 0.4 percent only.

According to Seven, Indonesian tourism is growing thin in the middle of the achievement decline the world tourism sector.

"Other countries such as Australia, Singapore, and Thailand grew negative, while we can survive while maintaining the target is an uphill struggle amid the global crisis," he said.

He argues, the decline in the number of foreign tourists visiting some competitor countries namely Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore not just internal factors but also the global crisis.

"And not because Indonesia Thailand climbed down or other factors, but because we still have a competitive advantage, still has a" value for money "as an attraction," he said.

He himself admitted to this day are still many problems that hinder the development of domestic tourism sector.

Among other areas apathy to build and maintain the existing tourist destinations in the region.

"It should be with the regional autonomy, each region should be more` aware `care destinations in the region," Sapta said.

Still, it remains optimistic that Indonesia tourism will grow positively in 2010.

A number of supporting indicators such as economic growth is expected to better the returns "long haul" or length of stay of tourists in Indonesia.

In 2010 alone, it can capture the target of seven million foreign tourists with foreign exchange gains 6.75 billion U.S. dollars and move or wisnus tourists for 230 million trips to spend Rp138 trillion.

Last year, Indonesia is able to capture or 6.459 million foreign tourists increased 0.4 percent compared to 2008. While the movement of tourists or wisnus bonus for 2009 of 226 million the previous trip 225.4 million trips in 2008.

Tourism Indonesia in 2009, he said, facing three serious challenges throughout the year while the case of swine flu, the global crisis, and terrorism through bombings.

Even so, the tourism sector, Indonesia was eventually able to survive and even grow up to close the year positively, so Sapta Nirwandar


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